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Retail price RM265 60 softgels/ box |
TIEN DI JH SEABUCKTHORN CAPSULE uses macromolecular mucopolysaccharides as its main ingredient supplemented by a bio-essence, wild fructus hippophae (seabuckthorn) seed oil, extracted and refined utilizing supercritical carbon dioxide extractive technique. This is the first time ever that these 2 natural, nutrients-rich compounds are combined in the best proportion into one product, employing the new technology of “Rapid Enzyme Decomposition”. It has special pharmacological and therapeutic effects; it's effective in eliminating toxins and free radicals, enhances the immune system, activates the brain cells, nervous system and endocrine system, and regulates the repair of cells to achieve optimum metabolism.
TIEN DI JH SEABUCKTHORN CAPSULE menggabungkan minyak biji seabuckthorn liar dengan mukopolisakarida makromolekul sebagai ramuan aktifnya, yang diekstrak dan disuling dengan teknik pengekstrakan Superkritikal Karbon Dioksida CO2. Ini merupakan julung kalinya di mana sebatian semula jadi yang kaya dengan nutrien berjaya digabungkan mengikut perkadaran terbaik di dalam satu produk, melalui teknologi baru , "penguraian enzimatik". Oleh itu, ia berkesan untuk menyingkirkan toksin dan radikal bebas, meningkatkan sistem imun, mengaktifkan sel-sel otak, sistem saraf & sistem endokrin, serta menyelaras & membaik pulih sel-sel badan, demi mencapai tahap metabolisma yang optimum.
Rename to Tien Di JH Seabuckthorn Capsule
(Formerly known as SNE Kapsul)
What is Seabuckthorn? Apakah Seabuckthorn?
Seabuckthorn has existed on earth for over 65 million years. It is a hardy plant that can withstand extreme weather conditions and strive on land that has limited water source. This shrub also protects the environment by preventing soil erosion.
Seabuckthorn has been used as traditional medicine in China, Mongolia and Tibet for more than 2000 years. It was listed in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China in 1977.
It contains more than 190 types of essential nutrients which are beneficial to our health.
There are curently 428 types of nutrients and minerals compounds found in seabuckthorn by scientist in their researches.
Seabuckthorn has been used as traditional medicine in China, Mongolia and Tibet for more than 2000 years. It was listed in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China in 1977.
It contains more than 190 types of essential nutrients which are beneficial to our health.
There are curently 428 types of nutrients and minerals compounds found in seabuckthorn by scientist in their researches.
Seabuckthorn telah wujud di bumi lebih daripada 65 juta tahun.
Ia adalah tumbuhan yang sangat tahan lasak dan boleh hidup di kawasan yang mempunyai sumber air yang terhad & cuaca yang sangat ekstrem dari 40 darjah celsius hingga ke -40 darjah celsius.
Seabuckthorn telah digunakan sebagai ubat tradisional di China, Mongolia & Tibet sejak 2000 tahun yang lalu.
Seabuckthorn telah tersenarai dalam Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China, sebagai salah satu tumbuhan yang mempunyai kesan farmaseutikal pada tahun 1977.
Mempunyai lebih daripada 190 jenis nutrien semula jadi yang bermaanfaat pada manusia.
Tumbuhan ini juga berperanan penting dalam mencegah hakisan tanah.
Tahukah anda terdapat lebih daripada 428 jenis kandungan mineral & nutrien keperluan harian di dalam buah seabuckthorn?
Setiap 1 tan buah seabuckthorn hanya menghasilkan 50kg biji benih & minyak biji seabuckthorn yang terhasil hanya 2-3kg sahaja.
Tien Di JH Seabuckthorn Capsule contains a combination of 80% pure seabuckthorn seed oil & 20% of bio-active flavonoids. This unique formula is what differentiates the quality of our Seabuckthorn Capsule with other seabuckthorn oil supplements in the market.
Formulasinya yang istimewa, 80% minyak biji seabuckthorn tulen & 20% bio-active Flavonoid, memberi kesan yang berbeza berbanding dengan produk seabuckthorn lain yang terdapat di pasaran.
1. Bio-activity rate maintained above 90%.
2. Its molecule are small and condensed which is 5-10 times more concentrated than the common product.
3. It is pure, uncontaminated and highly concentrated.
1. Kadar bio-aktif mencapai 90% dan ke atas.
2. Molekul yang halus dan padat , kandungannya 5 hingga 10 kali ganda lebih padat daripada produk biasa.
3. Semulajadi, organik, tulen, tiada pencemaran.
Nucleic acid - 18 types of amino acids; complete list of all essential amino acids,
Phospholipids - abundant of fatty acids ranging from Omega 3, 6, 7 to 9.
Phyto-essence :
1st course of treatment (1-30 days)
Seabuckthorn Capsule starts to exert its function, to discharge toxins and free radicals from your body. Some individuals may experience healing crisis. However, such reactions will disappear within 1-2 weeks.
Start to experience radiant and rosy complexion.
Improved sleep quality.
Enhanced immune system.
Spiritually and mentally relieved.
Body resistance against diseases sgnificantly improved.
Improvement in condition of existing ailment.
2nd course of treatment (30-60 days)
The endocrine system is regulated to achieve inner balance; immune functions are restored, metabolism is back to its healthy state. You are advised to continue with the consumption of Seabuckthorn Kapsul.
Feel energized and revitalized.
Radiant and rosy complexion.
Pigmentation and wrinkles are reduced.
Improved sleep quality.
Ailments improved or alleviated.
Healthy glow and youthfulness.
3rd course of treatment (after 60 days)
Seabuckthorn Capsule has become the important source of essential nutrients for your body. It helps in regulating your body functions. You are advised to maintain your consumption of Seabuckthorn Capsule.
Fatigue, tiredness, and backache are alleviated.
Moisturized, smooth and supple skin.
Pigmentation diminished or fade away.
Level of blood sugar, blood lipid and cholesterol are balanced.
Blood circulation is at its optimum level; ruddy fingertips are observed.
Existing ailments significantly improved.
Peringkat Pertama (1-30 hari)
Seabuckthorn Kapsul telah bertindak menyingkirkan toksin dan radikal bebas dari dalam tubuh. Sesetengah pesakit mungkin akan mengalami tindak balas krisis pemulihan. Namun keadaan ini akan hilang dalam masa 1 ke 2 minggu.
Wajah menjadi lebih berseri, kulit semakin cantik.
Kualiti tidur bertambah baik.
Peningkatan daya pengimunan.
Jiwa lebih tenang.
Sistem imun badan bertambah kuat.
Penyakit bertambah baik pulih.
Peringkat kedua (30-60 hari)
Keseimbangan sistem endokrin baru dicapai & paras daya pengimunan kembali ke tahap normal. Metabolisma badan menjadi baik & anda disarankan untuk meneruskan penggunaan Seabuckthorn Kapsul.
Seluruh Badan berasa lebih bermaya.
Kulit berseri dan muka kelihatan lebih sihat.
Bintik-bintik dan kedut pada muka semakin berkurang atau lenyap.
Pelbagai penyakit lama semakin sembuh/ bertambah baik.
Kelihatan lebih muda.
Peringkat ketiga (60-90 hari)
Seabuckthorn Kapsul telah menjadi sumber kepada badan anda dari segi penyelarasan & pengisian semula pelbagai nutrisi harian. Sila teruskan dengan penggunaan Seabuckthorn Kapsul.
Keadaan badan lemah/ sakit belakang & pinggang bertambah baik.
Kulit menjadi licin berseri.
Bintik-bintik pada kulit menjadi pudar / hilang.
Paras glukosa darah, lipid darah & kolesterol lebih stabil.
Pemulihan sistem peredaran darah. (Warna celah-celah jari kelihatan merah jambu).
Keadaan penyakit bertambah baik.
Selepas memasuki tempoh pemeliharaan, anda patut meneruskan penggunaan Seabuckthorn Kapsul dan dos yang diambil boleh dikurangkan separuh daripada dos asal. Ia dapat mencegah pelbagai penyakit, menjadikan anda kelihatan lebih muda & melanjutkan usia.
Disclaimer: The information listed has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing information to
interested parties and not meant for diagnosis, treating, healing or replace professional advice by qualified health practitioner.
Penafian tuntutan:
Maklumat yang diberikan adalah disediakan semata-mata untuk tujuan rujukan kepada pihak yang berminat dan tidak bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti, merawat, menyembuhkan atau menggantikan nasihat professional oleh pengamal kesihatan yang bertauliah.
More Info:
Our Seabuckthorn
Healing Crisis & Reactions
Ia adalah tumbuhan yang sangat tahan lasak dan boleh hidup di kawasan yang mempunyai sumber air yang terhad & cuaca yang sangat ekstrem dari 40 darjah celsius hingga ke -40 darjah celsius.
Seabuckthorn telah digunakan sebagai ubat tradisional di China, Mongolia & Tibet sejak 2000 tahun yang lalu.
Seabuckthorn telah tersenarai dalam Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China, sebagai salah satu tumbuhan yang mempunyai kesan farmaseutikal pada tahun 1977.
Mempunyai lebih daripada 190 jenis nutrien semula jadi yang bermaanfaat pada manusia.
Tumbuhan ini juga berperanan penting dalam mencegah hakisan tanah.
Tahukah anda terdapat lebih daripada 428 jenis kandungan mineral & nutrien keperluan harian di dalam buah seabuckthorn?
The Uniqueness of Seabuckthorn Capsule
Keunikan Seabuckthorn Kapsul?
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Each ton of seabuckthorn produces 50kg of seeds and using supercritical extraction method, only produces 2 to 3 kg of pure seabuckthorn seed oil. |
Setiap 1 tan buah seabuckthorn hanya menghasilkan 50kg biji benih & minyak biji seabuckthorn yang terhasil hanya 2-3kg sahaja.
Tien Di JH Seabuckthorn Capsule contains a combination of 80% pure seabuckthorn seed oil & 20% of bio-active flavonoids. This unique formula is what differentiates the quality of our Seabuckthorn Capsule with other seabuckthorn oil supplements in the market.
Formulasinya yang istimewa, 80% minyak biji seabuckthorn tulen & 20% bio-active Flavonoid, memberi kesan yang berbeza berbanding dengan produk seabuckthorn lain yang terdapat di pasaran.
The Characteristics of Seabuckthorn Capsule:
1. Bio-activity rate maintained above 90%.
2. Its molecule are small and condensed which is 5-10 times more concentrated than the common product.
3. It is pure, uncontaminated and highly concentrated.
Ciri-ciri Seabuckthorn Kapsul:
1. Kadar bio-aktif mencapai 90% dan ke atas.
2. Molekul yang halus dan padat , kandungannya 5 hingga 10 kali ganda lebih padat daripada produk biasa.
3. Semulajadi, organik, tulen, tiada pencemaran.
Main Components / Kandungan Utama:
Nucleic acid - 18 types of amino acids; complete list of all essential amino acids,
Phospholipids - abundant of fatty acids ranging from Omega 3, 6, 7 to 9.
Phyto-essence :
- carotenoid (promotes faster wound healing with occuring vitamin E & essential fatty acids, prevent inflammation & ulcer formation),
- flavonoids (7 different types serve as powerful antioxidant),
- organic acids (liver protection & relieving poison or side effect of antibiotic & other drugs)
- lecithin (helps in fat metabolism, prevent fatty liver & cirrhosis).
Vitamins :
- flavonoids (7 different types serve as powerful antioxidant),
- organic acids (liver protection & relieving poison or side effect of antibiotic & other drugs)
- lecithin (helps in fat metabolism, prevent fatty liver & cirrhosis).
Vitamins :
- from fats soluble (A, D, E & K) to water soluble (B1, B2, B5, B12, folic acid, biotin & C) vitamins,
- B9 which is crucial for DNA repair and regeneration.
- Contains the largest amount of vitamin C & Beta-carotene among all food on earth.
Minerals - such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, ferum, copper, sodium & molybdenum; 10 out of 14 essential minerals.
Powerful antioxidants (SOD) - with ORAC value reaching 70,000 units.
(ORAC"Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity" is measurement of how strong is an antioxidant, The US Department of Agriculture recommends people to consume 5000 ORAC units everyday).
Hence, it’s effective in eliminating toxins and free radicals, enhances the immune system, activates the brain cells, nervous system and endocrine system, and regulates the repair of cells to achieve optimum metabolism.
- B9 which is crucial for DNA repair and regeneration.
- Contains the largest amount of vitamin C & Beta-carotene among all food on earth.

Vitamin A, Beta-carotene in comparison with other food.
Perbezaan kandungan Vitamin A dalam seabuckthorn dengan makanan yang lain.

Content of Vitamin C in comparison with other fruits.
Perbezaaan kandungan Vitamin C seabuckthorn dengan buah-buahan lain.
Minerals - such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, ferum, copper, sodium & molybdenum; 10 out of 14 essential minerals.
Powerful antioxidants (SOD) - with ORAC value reaching 70,000 units.
(ORAC"Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity" is measurement of how strong is an antioxidant, The US Department of Agriculture recommends people to consume 5000 ORAC units everyday).
Hence, it’s effective in eliminating toxins and free radicals, enhances the immune system, activates the brain cells, nervous system and endocrine system, and regulates the repair of cells to achieve optimum metabolism.
It's Main uniqueness:
- Eliminates free radical and harmful elements.
- Enhances the immune system functions
- Prevents various ailments in the digestive system
- Reduces blood lipid and cholesterol levels, thus prevent cardio-cerebrovascular diseases
- Prevents and relieves influenza infections
- Effectively treats burns, scars, frostbite and bedsores
- Prevents damages caused by radiation and oxidation
- Promotes blood circulation and reduces the formation of thrombus; speeds up wound healing after surgery
- Suitable for ladies because it prevents and treats various gynaecological problems
- Helps in the physical and mental development of children
- Promotes healthy skin and slow down the ageing process
Maanfaat Utama:
- Menyingkirkan radikal bebas dan elemen berbahaya.
- Meningkatkan fungsi sistem imun
- Mencegah pelbagai penyakit sistem pencernaan.
- Mengurangkan tahap lipid darah & kolesterol, justeru mencegah penyakit kardio-serebrovaskular.
- Mencegah jangkitan influenza.
- Merawat lecur, parut, reput fros & kudis tekanan.
- mencegah kerosakan yang diakibatkan oleh radiasi & pengoksidaan.
- Menggalakkan peredaran darah & mengelakkan pembentukan bekuan darah/ trombus; mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan luka selepas pembedahan.
- Mencegah penyakit / masalah ginekologikal.
- Membantu perkembangan fizikal & mental kanak-kanak.
- Meningkatkan kesihatan kulit & melambatkan proses penuaan.
The effects of Seabuckthorn Capsule:
1st course of treatment (1-30 days)
Seabuckthorn Capsule starts to exert its function, to discharge toxins and free radicals from your body. Some individuals may experience healing crisis. However, such reactions will disappear within 1-2 weeks.
Start to experience radiant and rosy complexion.
Improved sleep quality.
Enhanced immune system.
Spiritually and mentally relieved.
Body resistance against diseases sgnificantly improved.
Improvement in condition of existing ailment.
2nd course of treatment (30-60 days)
The endocrine system is regulated to achieve inner balance; immune functions are restored, metabolism is back to its healthy state. You are advised to continue with the consumption of Seabuckthorn Kapsul.
Feel energized and revitalized.
Radiant and rosy complexion.
Pigmentation and wrinkles are reduced.
Improved sleep quality.
Ailments improved or alleviated.
Healthy glow and youthfulness.
3rd course of treatment (after 60 days)
Seabuckthorn Capsule has become the important source of essential nutrients for your body. It helps in regulating your body functions. You are advised to maintain your consumption of Seabuckthorn Capsule.
Fatigue, tiredness, and backache are alleviated.
Moisturized, smooth and supple skin.
Pigmentation diminished or fade away.
Level of blood sugar, blood lipid and cholesterol are balanced.
Blood circulation is at its optimum level; ruddy fingertips are observed.
Existing ailments significantly improved.
Kesan Rawatan Seabuckthorn Kapsul:
Seabuckthorn Kapsul telah bertindak menyingkirkan toksin dan radikal bebas dari dalam tubuh. Sesetengah pesakit mungkin akan mengalami tindak balas krisis pemulihan. Namun keadaan ini akan hilang dalam masa 1 ke 2 minggu.
Wajah menjadi lebih berseri, kulit semakin cantik.
Kualiti tidur bertambah baik.
Peningkatan daya pengimunan.
Jiwa lebih tenang.
Sistem imun badan bertambah kuat.
Penyakit bertambah baik pulih.
Peringkat kedua (30-60 hari)
Keseimbangan sistem endokrin baru dicapai & paras daya pengimunan kembali ke tahap normal. Metabolisma badan menjadi baik & anda disarankan untuk meneruskan penggunaan Seabuckthorn Kapsul.
Seluruh Badan berasa lebih bermaya.
Kulit berseri dan muka kelihatan lebih sihat.
Bintik-bintik dan kedut pada muka semakin berkurang atau lenyap.
Pelbagai penyakit lama semakin sembuh/ bertambah baik.
Kelihatan lebih muda.
Peringkat ketiga (60-90 hari)
Seabuckthorn Kapsul telah menjadi sumber kepada badan anda dari segi penyelarasan & pengisian semula pelbagai nutrisi harian. Sila teruskan dengan penggunaan Seabuckthorn Kapsul.
Keadaan badan lemah/ sakit belakang & pinggang bertambah baik.
Kulit menjadi licin berseri.
Bintik-bintik pada kulit menjadi pudar / hilang.
Paras glukosa darah, lipid darah & kolesterol lebih stabil.
Pemulihan sistem peredaran darah. (Warna celah-celah jari kelihatan merah jambu).
Keadaan penyakit bertambah baik.
Selepas memasuki tempoh pemeliharaan, anda patut meneruskan penggunaan Seabuckthorn Kapsul dan dos yang diambil boleh dikurangkan separuh daripada dos asal. Ia dapat mencegah pelbagai penyakit, menjadikan anda kelihatan lebih muda & melanjutkan usia.
Disclaimer: The information listed has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing information to
interested parties and not meant for diagnosis, treating, healing or replace professional advice by qualified health practitioner.
Penafian tuntutan:
Maklumat yang diberikan adalah disediakan semata-mata untuk tujuan rujukan kepada pihak yang berminat dan tidak bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti, merawat, menyembuhkan atau menggantikan nasihat professional oleh pengamal kesihatan yang bertauliah.
More Info:
Our Seabuckthorn
Healing Crisis & Reactions